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Canada Express Entry Draw Prediction 2023

Canada Invites 82,880 New Immigrants Through Express Entry in 2023

IRCC Announces Express Entry Draws for Eligible Candidates

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has announced that it will hold Express Entry draws for eligible candidates. The first half of 2023 brought some unexpected twists to the Express Entry system, with IRCC holding more draws than anticipated and inviting a record number of candidates.

In 2023, IRCC plans to admit 82,880 immigrants to Canada as permanent residents through Express Entry. This is a significant increase from the previous year, when 43,700 immigrants were admitted through the program.

The Express Entry system is an online, point-based system that manages applications for permanent residence in Canada. Candidates are ranked based on their skills, experience, education, and language abilities. Those with the highest scores are invited to apply for permanent residence.

The increase in Express Entry invitations is a positive sign for potential immigrants to Canada. It shows that the government is committed to attracting and retaining skilled workers and their families.

If you are interested in immigrating to Canada through Express Entry, you can create an online profile at the IRCC website. Once you have created a profile, you will be able to enter the Express Entry pool and receive invitations to apply for permanent residence.
